Friday, July 24, 2009

Harvard v. Cambridge

I don't have all the facts, and I don't care to. Henry Louis Gates takes on the LAW and I like it! Here's my take:

A professor at Harvard breaks into his own house. Someone calls the police. They ask him to identify himself and step outside. he refuses and lectures them about being a black man in America. Awesome.

I've broken into my own house hundreds of times. Sometimes I lock myself out. Sometimes it's to test my security. Sometimes for fun and sometimes for insurance fraud. No fucking badge is going to come and bust my nuts in my own home, especially if I magically become black overnight.

You all know I think racial bullshit is overplayed and I don't give a damn what happened to you because of your ethnicity and it's no excuse for any behavior outside of the bounds of the law. BUT, this guy was within his rights. Did he have to pull an attitude? No. But God bless the little bastard for doing it.

I could care less about his rights as a black man ( a wealthy black man at that). I care about his rights as a citizen. I think he played the race card and got nasty on purpose so they would arrest him and he could get some face on the TV, and that's a little weak, but I'd give some sass to a Blue Boy if he jumped me in my own crib.

Now, if he were speeding or beating his wife or boyfriend or a dog, no. That's when you get polite. Nice officer. Always good to poor Murk! Niiiiice master! But... MY HOUSE! Show a warrant, or make an arrest if you think I don't belong there and I'll see you in court, Jiffy Cop!

In fairness, Police have a rough job, even in Cambridge. They deserve respect. But so do we. You want to be a hardass and take someone downtown for locking themselves out of their house and mouthing off, do it. Go ahead. But I think every citizen has the right to kick people out of their house, even in a rude manner, even a Police Officer, if they haven't broken the law.

For the record, I am not a Democrat. I dislike liberal whining. But I believe in freedom. Especially in our own homes.

The last word: Obama should stay the fuck out of it. A simple "I don't have enough information to comment on that", especially when he needed to talk health care, would have been better. That and he needs to learn the difference between the articles 'a' and 'an', and the rules for when to use which one.

Murk signing off.


Forrest Proper said...

Gotta agree. Both Gates and the Cop were playing the "my dik is bigger than yours" game.

This has nothing to d with race, and everything to do with testosterone poisoning. Please, Mr. president, stay the fuk out of it.

Gates was tired, the cop was tired, geez louise, I'll pay 'em both to go out to lunch and share some brewskis if we can just let this one go away.

Malach the Merciless said...