Saturday, August 16, 2008

Top Three Olympic Moments of 2008

#3. The United States versus China in Basketball. After making some microwave popcorn and a nice cool drink, I settled in with this event. I slept for about 2/3s of the entire game. The other time I spent eating and taking a dump.

#2. Men's Cycling. Over 150 miles of bike riding fun. I read one of those Harry Dresden books from cover to cover. It wasn't that good, but I did have a nice half our snooze. Plus, cocktail shrimp fried in butter and garlic. Major gas!

#1. Michael Phelps. I made a promise that for every gold Phelps won, I would donate an hour of my time to playing City of Heroes on the computer. Let's just say that it's all about charity. While I slept through most of Phelps' victories, it was the sleep of the vicorious American.

This is the glory of the Olympic Games. All day naps with sportslike background noise, snacks and self righteous posturing over games that most of us don't even consider real sports. The pagentry! The... the... other countries. The IOC! Women's Beach Volleyball.


Malach the Merciless said...

Did you create a Phelpsman whilst on there?

AngryMan said...

Which Dresden files book did you read? The series started off well, but has gone through a pretty sad decline.