OBLOGMA presents, my Obama's First diary:
i cant beleive itz january already! I cant wait till obama is president! they are moving into some house in washington before thewy go to the witehouse. they are all so cute! i bet michelle cooks him dinner and he sits in that sgrey sweater yeah lolz. oh i love him.
i can't even think straight obama just took his first steps!!!!
i think obama likes chicken soup with noodles, not rice. can we get some noodles up in here? yes we can. michelle says marriage is hard work. yeah. maybe if your not married to barack obama! i hear he rubs her feet every night right before he put the kids to bed. awwwwww!
barack obama is so wise. oprah even sez that. i hope obama and i are bffl. i'll always remeber he was black and i voted for him.
i cant believe how much bush suks. he meessed up the country and now obama has to fix the planet 8cue sewperman music!!!8 wait....
oh noes! i just heard that obama has sneezed! call doctur nao!!! the bushes probly left a secret flu there to kill him but they cant. so awesome. all the troops are coming home and the econemy is gettin better and better. oh, michelle is on the cover o us magazine. hawt.
theyre getting a dog!!!! yeah!!! but michelle is smart and has it planned for april. i don't know if i can wait that long! the girls want it on april fools day, but michelle say, oh no no no.
omg, there's a pickcha of obama on this mortgae ad! how funny! ha ha ha. he's got a check for me! and he does. i'm already earning about 50 dollars more per hour because of his economic stimulants.
so i must go to bed dear dairy, so i'll tell you more about what obama did tomorrow. i cant wait!@!!
Did you draw that in MS Paint?
Oh by the way, there are no Tigers in Kenya
I was in dire need of a laugh tonight. Thank you old bean.
Let's face it. Anyone who can change his name from Barry to Barrack is worthy of a laugh or three....
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