Tuesday, March 4, 2008

You People Are Stupid

Many of you remember the Old Dr. Murk. Some of you have only known the New Soft Murk. New Soft Murk hit a patch of sand on a dangerous road and is now lying in a heap at the bottom of Mt. Fuckyou, just off of Highway 666.

So, I'd like to re-introduce you to the idea that all of you are very screwed up and need help. For you panty people who are all love and entertainment and awards and reciprocal reach around link buddies, I'll try to lube up your emotional poop shoot by saying: no offense intended towards anyone on an individual level. I mean, if you do take offense, you're really unstable. Do you know me? No. You want to know me and will be rebuffed and that will hurt, but it's therapy, you crackpot. Get up and dance your crazy dance and move on.

Let's examine the facts.

You stuff your brain with entertainment and propaganda disguised as education. You believe that the news is not altered to fit a well thought out agenda. You're paranoid about aliens, but give out your credit card to cashiers, people on the phone and websites. You trust in a paper based economy that is now moving away from even paper. You are 1984. Your name is Toby. Wage slave, political suck up, pasturized, sanitized, devalued comodities who thank the faceless heads of government and religion for throwing up in your mouth so you don't starve.

You think other people are an extension of your own reality, your mind. You react to them like a natural disaster or a found twenty dollar bill. You don't even see the ghost in the shell anymore. You are all programmed, blind, trapped, mute and carefully packaged for resale.

Oh sure, you nod sympathetically, or raise a voice for a cause, but have you lifted a shovel to dig a grave for the dead? Have you bled, truly bled for any of your so called ideals? Your ideals are shit and you are full of your own carefully crafted lies.

"I'm so and so...
I'm this, I'm that."

You are nothing if you've done nothing. Even when you do act, you are just acting, playing a part. And you wonder what the nagging sensation at the back of your brain is when you try to sleep? What's missing? Why do you get upset stomachs and headaches?

You are sick and need help.

I can help.

I still have an experiment you can try...


Malach the Merciless said...

I hate reruns, and mike is making fun of you

Malicious Intent said...

Much truth.
People do not appreciate what they have, want what others have instead of wanting what they got.

Ass kissers and complainers. Gets old. I get tired of those who bitch, but don't get up to do a damn thing about anything.

And for those who don't understand the difference between real life and entertainment...sucks to be you.

AngryMan said...

I often wonder if being aware of our own existence, or at least thinking that we are, is the greatest punishment that God could inflict.

FreeOscar said...

Wow, I'm glad I didn't waste my time writing that post.

Dr. Robert J. Murk said...


If expression an angry opion is a waste of my time, then guilty as charged.

I'm glad you expressed that opinion.

I',m glad Mike is making fun of me. He has my email and can feel free to send me an email or post here if he wants. I said harsh things to Mike and he's still upset and disagrees with me.

Accepted, granted, aknowledged.

Malach, I'll gladly post today about how you HELP PEOPLE. You do. I'm as proud of you as a brother can be.

Malicious Intent is active in helping too. Eve is another who is active. So is Piper.

You all blog your opinions and I do not invalidate those opinions. I welcome opinions, but am not obligated to agree.

I don't mind being mocked. Go ahead. You have that right.