Thursday, March 6, 2008

Blog Web

Read an article.

Invite more bloggers to network, information attracts more information. One form of activism is awareness. Perhaps we should make an effort to reach out to one intelligent blog (one we don't frequent) and say hi, we're interested and check us out.

I for one will begin my Link The Blogs project. Over the next few weeks, I'm going to link and promote you all. I'll try to do one featured blog a week. Not based on my personal tastes, but on wher=ther or not that blog seems to be relevant and has a lot of other links.

We need some exposure. Sure, we do this for fun, but through our entertainment we can offer portals to awareness and new perspectives.

Most of you do this already. But what if we each took some time to discover some other territory? Perhaps we can increase the fun and awareness and encourage activism. Charity starts at home.

I'm cleaning my own house and getting my shit lined up.

Time is running out...


Preity Angel... said...

Hey Mr. Kingkong... Very nice blog

I like it

Keep it up!

Mike said...

I've been looking around the Blogassfear (TM Joey Polanski) for some new stuff lately. Seems like we all start inbreeding after a while and there's very few new ideas within the circles I travel (which is not to say they are not entertaining, because they certainly are that.)

I'll keep looking, but so far it appears to be pretty abysmal out there. A lot of the more charitable and "uplifting" blogs are all full of Jesus stuff. Some of the more activist type blogs I have been looking at seem to have an underlying political agenda (either Democrat or Republican or down-right fascist.)

I have found some bloggers that I like though. Lots of potential. I'll keep you posted.

Malach the Merciless said...

I am already linked to you jerkoff

AngryMan said...

I'm not going anywhere near the Delta Quadrant. Too many Borg cubes around there . . .

FreeOscar said...

I'm at full capacity with blogs right now, & I'm neglecting some of them.

Malicious Intent said...

I have you linked on my page. I enjoy your banter. It is hard to keep up with everyone, as much as you want. Some though, I cannot go without checking out daily...I admidt it, I am hooked on them. Better hooked on reading/writing than other things.


Malicious Intent said...

I have you linked on my page. I enjoy your banter. It is hard to keep up with everyone, as much as you want. Some though, I cannot go without checking out daily...I admidt it, I am hooked on them. Better hooked on reading/writing than other things.


Redroach said...

Came here via "Tongue in Check."
I think we are all in search of something more, but the blogosphere seems to be contracting.
Must be those damn mormons


Simply Curious said...

I do read your blog from time to time, and I'm not sure if I've ever commented, but I think this post deserved a note. Very nice post. The words ring true.

Seriously, I had a conversation just like this, last night with a friend of mine. Far too often, people are insulting and disrespectful at completely inappropriate times. If a friend of mine calls me a bitch and tells me I have a fat ass in a joking manner, I won't get offended. I'll probably laugh and tell her to bite me. But that doesn't give people that I'm not close to, the right to say whatever they so choose. I can be sensitive and very easily offended.

I'm nice to EVERYONE and I give EVERYONE respect. I don't understand why people get so nasty and rude when I've never said a mean to word to anyone in blog world. I guess if you don't like a person or their blog, don't bother going there...right? Haha, I'm ranting on your bog. Sorry about that.

Anyway, nice post. If I could figure out how to make a blog roll, I would add you to it. I'm sort of computer illiterate...