Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Fan Mail

Every once in a while I receive a bit of mail from one of my puppets. Sometimes, they pose some tough questions. Here's one email I received last hour from one really critical fan:

Dear Doctor Murk,

How do you remain so consistently awesome?


Well, for one, I train contantly in martial arts and can be frequently found in the middle of kung fu battles with deadly hatchet men. Usually, I fight people with a full grown bull tied to my back to simulate the high gravity situations I frequently encounter on larger planets. Also, I limit myself to one strike a minute to ensure that I take multiple punches and kill with one blow.

I drive a very expensive car that doesn't even have a name because it's built by Lockheed Martin Skunkworks. It travels between dimensional space and instantly teleports hot chicks into my bed for when I get home. Mrs. Dr. Murk kills them instantly by just being so incredibly hot that they die of shame and envy.

I invented two new types of gold that are better than the original gold most people have. I make six foot daggers out of it and stab battleships with them.

I don't light my own cigarettes. They know when to light, and what will happen if they don't. I no longer need to drink alcohol to get a buzz on. I am actually considered a class D substance, and so any people within a few kilometers of me immediately trembles into a state of euphoria.

I pee pure sunshine and am actually powering the entire eastern coast of the United States right now.

In short, I rock.

I grow tired of your flattery, people. It's so unbecomming. So, close your drool faucet and let me think about how to manage the entire world for the next fifty years.

Thank you and I hope this answers your question, John.

I love you,



Malach the Merciless said...

Are you Chuck Norris?

AngryMan said...

So humble.

Moooooog35 said...

I was wondering why my Electric Bill changed from "National Grid" to "Murko Evolutionary Penis Power."

Thanks for clarifying. I thought my wife was having an affair.

Forrest Proper said...

Holy Heffalumps, Batman! If you were any more awesome you'd be... you'd be... TOM BRADY!!

Dr. Robert J. Murk said...


If I point out how humble I am, I will lose my modesty.

Colonel x 2: Yup. I'd trade it all to be Tom (I've got snakes) Brady.

Mooooog: Sorry for the confusion. Just glad I could keep the lights on for ya.

Malach: Only Chuck Norris can say he's Chuck Norris

Tequila Mockingbird said...

here is another piece of mail that got lost:

Dear Dr Murk-

last night i had this dream that you were chasing me around with a ladle and had the tail of a squirrel. at first i was scared, but then i was oddly turned on.

does this happen frequently?

Dr. Robert J. Murk said...

I'll get to that one next!