Tuesday, August 4, 2009


People don't believe in demons and rightly so. There are no other planar entities that come to our planet to make with the mischief on humankind. However, let's not dump on the old traditions wholesale. There's always a shred of truth to any old superstition or practice.

People become engrossed in thinking. They crave ideas and look to find new ones, new solutions, new ways of coping with life. Eventually, some ideas become so ingrained that they take over the normal behavior patterns of people. Now, speculation about mental illness being the cause of 'demons' is nothing new. That's not what I'm suggesting.

The world was thought to be positively infested by spirits and demons before the age of reasons. everything had a sort of spirit or soul to it. people were adamant about that. We tend to toss out these old ideas as stupidity. No no. They might not be true, but the ideas didn't come out of nowhere. People used spirits to explain a heck of a lot of things. Foul moods, ilnesses, bad weather, you name it.

But it all came back to human perception. The world itself happens of its own volition. We watch it and assign meaning. Why did we make demons? To explain bad events or really weird behavior. Why demons? It's human nature to see evil, hear evil, speak evil and do evil. But why admit that? So, we take the human traits we despise, make them stronger, supernatural, then we layer them over our world.

Every bad idea, every crime, every disgusting thought lurches forth to our minds and then we roll them into a hideous creature with other worldly power and then we have the demon.

We know they're not real.


But the events and behaviors we attributed to demons are still there.


There's no supernatural power that's causing these behaviors and events, but they still happen...

I think I like blaming the demon better than the alternative.

1 comment:

Malach the Merciless said...

Are speaking about He Who Should Not Be Named?