Wednesday, October 15, 2008

No Conspiracy Need Not Apply

I've noticed the conspiracy bug going around again. I used to believe in conspiracies. Then, I learned about marketing and advertising. There's no need for an all encompasing conspiracy. We are already TV cattle, consuming the visual cud.

FACT: Most of you intend to 'rock the vote' next month. That means that you're voting for a politician. Either you believe in your selected future figurehead, or you don't but are voting for the lesser of two evils. No, there's not much else to do besides play the voting slot machine. That tells you something right there. You're buying what someone is selling. Selling. Not campaigning, selling.

You're already taken over. You are already marginalized. You're already tuned in. You are so there. I heard a joke today. Why don't Americans grow their own food? They never learned how! Ha ha. Ha ha. You've got a food IV just down the street. Hot the button and drip drip drip, in goes the morphine.

So, should we resort to subsistence farming? Hell no. But don't you see? There's no option but the foor IV, the political pill, the netertainment enema. No revolution. No. No war on American soil. No. Cows. We are cows. Rabbits. Try the lettuce.

Even organic produce is organic bullshit. Try and escape and find the walls. They're solid. They're real. Locate the boundry lines. You have loved ones to feed. People to care about. Revolution is not for us. It's a dirty business and the people we love will be held prisoner if we revolt.

They don't need an army and you don't want a revolution.

Try a little civil disobedience on for size. I give it one week before you're back on the chain gang. Obama does not care about your ass any more than McCain. He's never met you and wouldn't lend you a twenty for half a tank of gas. McCain is worse. It's arsenic or cyanide for you.

So, what do we do?

For one, think about what you want. Stop chasing the fight, the dead end, the high and get liberated. Your mind and your home and your family and your friends are your fortress, your purpose. Free your soul. This world is a transient dream, a nightmare for some, but still a dream. Change starts in the self, spreads to the home and then, only then, can it affect change in the world.

Will the world change? No. If the mountain won't come to you, go to the mountain. The world won't change. You have to.


Malach the Merciless said...

So Hobbs comes back a few days ago and now your stealing his act?

Forrest Proper said...

"only then, can it affect change in the world."


Casey said...

Voting just encourages the motherfuckers.

I voted today. Not I can drop out and go back to making booze and picking up trampy chicks.

That's hope I can believe in.

Dr. Robert J. Murk said...


"affect" verb, affect change

"effect" NOUN...


Malicious Intent said...

Dropping acid again are we? Can I have some? Not sharing is not nice! Besides, I need it for better dreams/nightmares.

"You're buying what someone is selling. Selling. Not campaigning, selling."

This may be the only time I will ever agree with you, so don't expect this againj, not that you care either...but yeah, they are selling themselves like $5 hookers on the corner....but you probably get a lot less for your money.

I have had to use the same philosophy selling "autism" to big corporations. "Hey, wanna buy some autism for $50,000? No? How about $25,000? Yes? Great, sign here." Selling ideas are harder than selling tangibles.

Right now the hooker who can sell the most "HOPE" is gonna win.

Put a disclaimer on your blog about typos, there were others, which I could give a shit, but then Col Col would stop grading your paper.

Dr. Robert J. Murk said...

I don't mind if Col grades the paper, but at least do it right. My use of affect was correct. He tried to be a wide ass and was wrong.

I don't mind the grammar police if they're right.

And I haven't dropped acid in weeks, so shut up.

Forrest Proper said...

From The Bad Grammarian -

"Will the next president AFFECT change in the world or will that person EFFECT change in the world?

Answer: This is actually a trick question. Affect being the verb, it should be that the next president will AFFECT change. (In fact I have just now realized I continue to use AFFECT Change even today, having considered myself an "expert" on this matter for some time.) However, this is the one case in which EFFECT actually acts as a verb. Hence, the next president will EFFECT change, not AFFECT change. This is the exception to the rule. In general, however, Affect is the Action verb, Effect is the lazy noun.

So HA! yerself. I wasn't raised by two English teachers to make mistakes between affect and effect, and didn't do all that acid in the 80s so I could be a stickler for rules without knowing their exceptions.

Michelle, the moon rabbit said...


How do you awaken those who are asleep to the reality that what is going on within themselves and around them needs to be changed?

Dr. Robert J. Murk said...

Don't worry about others. People change when they change, not because of what we do. We don't wake people up, they wake up.


Verified. You get a gold grammar batton. Shocking. I majored in English. Never knew that. Still not changing. You are still an idiot.