Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Formula

Introduced to my by one of my research assistants, this formula is the key to understanding personal relationships for men across the world.

To begin, a simple equation:

Woman = Time x Money

In order to get a woman, a man needs time and money. Addition here won't work, due to the factoral nature of the amount of time and money needed.

And we all know the next equation:

Time = Money

Time is money. Using substitution, we get:

Woman = Money x Money (Money Squared)

We also know that money is the root of all evil.

So, the square root of evil squared is... evil. So, in our final analysis:

Woman = Evil


Malach the Merciless said...

Wow, that is about the most congent thing you have said in months.

Moooooog35 said...

The variable here is transsexuals.

Now you're getting into Quantum Physics, and no one wants that shit.

Forrest Proper said...

So Dik Cheney is a woman?

Anonymous said...

Procedural error there,
surely you should be rooting the woman? ;-)

Janet said...

Shit... it turns out I've been dating "women" too. All that fucking time...