Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Commercial

The commercial came on again. It's one of those crappy car commercials with a 90s alt rock anthem behind it. The guy talks about his car having a 40 gig hard drive.

I wake up in 1998. Someone promises a one gig hard drive for a PC. I remember 100 meg hard drives. 10 meg hard drives. A one meg hard drive.

Now, I'm ashamed of my 4 gig mp3 player that has more storage as a flash device than the first computer I owned. There are cell phones that could have manually run the lunar landings. Small drones the size of bees fly with cameras by remote control. People can see through walls and make things turn invisible. Invisible. Reflect light away from an object at odd angles...

I use light to communicate over glass wires. Books publish themselves. Gas costs $3.00. We have cars that run on hydrogen. We've found water on Mars. Lifespan of humans has increased by 10 years over the past 20, ever so close to escape velocity necessary for immortality. There's almost ten billion people on the planet. I swipe a card to buy my groceries at a self checkout. They have drugs to cure almost everything...

and a car with a 40 gig hard drive. Not because it's necessary, but because it's cheap, easy and useful.

2008. Gotta love it.


Malach the Merciless said...

Kitchen Floor pics are up! Tell the wife!

AngryMan said...

God bless America!!!

Forrest Proper said...

I had a computer with a 256k hard drive. A meg was a dream...

But the car with the 40 gig hard drive is still gonna flip over and crush him when he tries to weave from lane to lane doing 80 mph the first time it snows this year.
