Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Papa Murk is an extraordinary man. I know his mind and I know what he did for me and my brother. Mama Murk did the same. They both continue.

Papa Murk's story is one of pain, despair and redemtion. I can't express in words my pride when I think of my Dad. He taught me things that have kept me from running off into the wood. He know what I suffer now, as he has suffered it before.

He was strick, but we were wild kids. We make him proud now and he tells us. To hear that from one of the ultimate warriors in life makes me feel superhuman, and humbled.

He almost died and came back for us (the family and has survived for over a decade on sheer will and faith in a higher plan. I follow his (and my mother's example) every day. I live in the moment (I TRY) and I live to make them proud.

But my father and I have fought tooth and nail over many things. I'm stubborn and he's stubborn and we don't always agree. But we always come back to being friends and supporters. I admit, he was right almost every time we disagreed and could have saved myself a lot of grief.

My Dad outranks any dad on the plannet. Not all sons will say that and some will even blame their fathers.

Dad, I never blamed you. We had no money, but we traveled, had an RV, cool cars, free repairs and tons of advice. We went to private schools while Mom worked and Dad suffered something he and I only truly understand and now we compare and heal each other.

I love you Dad and I'm proud of you.

Okay, now the rest of you suckbags need to bow to my Dad and get off your fat asses and tell your dads what the mean. My Dad lost his before he got to tell him. Don't make that mistake. Don't be stubborn dicks. Father's day is not about presents, but recognizing the trials and pain parents suffer for their kids. Fuck you people and your self centered pity and blame.

Give gratitude to Dads!


Joey Polanski said...

I think you oughtta let yer dad beat yer ass ...

That way, you show gratitude AND give a present.

Malach the Merciless said...

I bow to your Dad, sounds like a pretty cool guy!

FreeOscar said...

So yo must have been adopted, since your dad is so cool.

Dr. Robert J. Murk said...

The fact that I'm uncool makes me the coolest.

AngryMan said...

Fuck me? Fuck you!

Moooooog35 said...

What if your dad is a stupid fuckshit assmunch prick licker who ruined the lives of you and your family for years and years?

Can I get a waiver on your request?

Christopher said...

My Dad wears shorts to the casino!

Sara Sue said...

Mine's dead.

Malicious Intent said...

Yeah I really wanna worship the man who physically and emotionally abused me, was a secret drunk, made me live in fear and so I ran off to get married at 19 to escape the hell. Destroyed my relationship with my mother and sister (cause they didn't want to believe about the abuse, ugly thing.)He only continued to cause great pain and bullshit throughout my life until I finally got old enough (and medicated enough) to tell him to fuck off and now he no longer controls me or my life.

So Happy Fucking Father's Day, you fucking prick. May your balls fall off like your hair did. Oh and enjoy the diabetes too!

Yeah, I am a bit bitter. I hated Father's Day and Mother's Day until my boys got one Kick Ass Dad and I have one Kick Ass Father in Law. They deserve the props.

Malicious Intent said...

Yeah I really wanna worship the man who physically and emotionally abused me, was a secret drunk, made me live in fear and so I ran off to get married at 19 to escape the hell. Destroyed my relationship with my mother and sister (cause they didn't want to believe about the abuse, ugly thing.)He only continued to cause great pain and bullshit throughout my life until I finally got old enough (and medicated enough) to tell him to fuck off and now he no longer controls me or my life.

So Happy Fucking Father's Day, you fucking prick. May your balls fall off like your hair did. Oh and enjoy the diabetes too!

Yeah, I am a bit bitter. I hated Father's Day and Mother's Day until my boys got one Kick Ass Dad and I have one Kick Ass Father in Law. They deserve the props.

Joey Polanski said...

Ummm ...

Woud you like to talk about it?

Malicious Intent said...

No, I'm good. Thanks!