Sunday, November 22, 2009

If You Asked Me For More...

I would give it. And you did. Actually, no. No you didn't ask me for more, but I'm moving into the real of Twatters. I have a Twat account now.

What's that for? Nice. It's for fucking with your head day to day like. You see, I aven't always got the 400 words or so to make your life a slick dream, see? So, if I take the 15 or so words I DO got every day and melt them into some creamy alfredo sauce type blurbs, you'll be able to slurp up on my Murk whenever you want and always have it be freshy fresh. Dig?

It's not a blog.

Naw. Not a blog.

It's a Twat. So, go look at my Twat.