Sunday, January 18, 2009

Rome Falls

You need to join His bandwagon or die, people. We obey Him now, and those who don't will be in deep shit. Disagree with a Black Man in power and you're cooked, espiecially This Man. No, it's not racist, it's the climate. Look, I'm an American. Supposedly I have the right to say what I want. I don't care what color people are, but Black people DO. Liberal pussies DO.

This Guy has a set of commemerative coins painted on Kennedy Half Dollars, He's painted over Washington Dollar Collector coins. He's painted OVER Kennedy and Washington! This is NOT that big of a deal. He was born with dark skin. So FUCKING WHAT? So were millions of other people across the globe. In Europe, he'd be a name on a ballot, and considered an Egotistical, Inexperienced political prick.

If he were White, their would be no coins, history marches, parades, etc. But, he's Black. It's as if we are so wrapped up in thinking that Black is special compared to all the other races in America that anything a Black person does gets a multiplier of 10,000. If I were Him, I'd say "Stop acting like I'm some circus freak and that it's so special that I got elected. I'm a man, just like any other." It's like when the teacher praise the stupid kid for getting his first good grade in class.

Blacks are NOT any stupider, less qualified, less personable, less educated, less respected or less privilaged than any other race in America. Let's stop acting like this Man is making history because his skin is slightly darker than some. Hey, he's a hell of a lot WHITER than he is Black.

It's not history any more than Clinton being elected. So why are we in worship mode? Some of it;s race, but most is...

Obama's gigantic Ego and his WHITEY LIBERAL SUPPORTERS who feel like their easy life Guilt is somehow assuaged by this and they can feel good about themselves and go back to being secretly afraid of the Negro in the street. It's true, you lying sacks of shit. White liberals would turn their head (and do) when passing a Black Man sitting in the subway asking for money. And Blacks? Come on. You hate this guy. He's a fucking Oreo Cookie and will suck your money from your pockets, betray everything you've worked for and smile while he shits in your coffee and tells you it's whipped cream.

He is bad. Bush was stupid. This Man is EVIL. He's Nixon in Blackface. Mark my words. If you think this is history, wait. Wait until you see what He does with His power...

I don't even give a fuck what your response to this is, because somewhere in your sould, you know I'm right. The harder you deny it, the more it shows.

He's dirty Chicago politics, people. Research Chicago politics. He's here. May god help us all (gos with a lower case because O is the new uppercase for the object of woship).

I hope Obama at least stops the bailouts and pulls our troops back to defend us from the next attack, due out this year. That's if he's not too busy practicing his smile in the mirror. Hail to the Prom King President!


Malach the Merciless said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA were all mad here . .

I am trying to convice Sam he wants to marry Sasha Obama.

The Preacherman said...

spot on mate.

There's a Bookie over here taking 'under the counter' bets on how long it'll be before he gets topped.

Hope he doesn't but let's chill here. He's just another politician for christ sake.

Sooner or later a lying cheating scumbag like the rest of them eh?

Dr. Robert J. Murk said...

People ask to lend a hand, I'll start with a finger.

AngryMan said...

I think Obama is a hero. It takes a great thinker to continue Bush's bailout plan and adopt a Democratic form of Reganomics without being called out on the inherent hypocrisy involved.