Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Repetative dates are gay and nothing to get all flushed in the tits about. So what, some freaking numbers line up. I don't care. Quit being so queer and OCD, people. Nothing happened on a date with freaky numbers...

Except 911, which is an emergency phone number and a day of a horrible emergency....



Malach the Merciless said...

Yeah, suppose we did not adopt the current calendar, then we would have nothing to get all worked up about!

Joey Polanski said...
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Joey Polanski said...

And 9s dont mean HAFF as much as 18s do.

Well ... maybe they do ...

... but ONLY haff as much!

Joey Polanski said...

Repetitive dates are GAY, Doc?

Who you been repetitively datin?