Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Coming Soon...

The return of the most offensive man on the internet.

After a planned extended cooldown of Dr. Murk's blog and his mind, and with the recent run on his sanity almost completed (ending in madness, assuredly), I will be making my triumphant return to teh interwebs with all sorts of really terrible and insulting gimmicks.

This blog is almost dead (what 2 readers) and so I'll be making a grand opening somewhere else. This blog will serve as an adendum or like an appendix for people who need clarification or wish to comment on the other blog.

And, because you're lazy, most of it will be 1 minute audio and video clips that play right in your browser or links to you tube posts etc. All will be Murk originals or Murk Cheap Rip Offs, or literally, just crap with commentary. So, buckle up America and Sudan. This time, it's my job.

Mr. President Head


Malach the Merciless said...

I thought you were dead, but HUZZAH!

Joey Polanski said...

PLEASE tell us th most offensive man on th intrnet aint gonna use COMMENT MODERATION on WordPress, Doc!

Hows a Polack a-spposta be, like, witty if somone keeps fuckin wif his dangd timing?