Monday, February 4, 2008

You Can't Call Me a Sore Loser

Superbowl XLII Postmortem:

Victim is a large, multibillion dollar franchise, well built, late forties, early fifties. Victim sustained blunt force trauma to the ego. Lactic acid buildup in the muscle tissue indicates serious fatigue. A vertical 40 yard gash across the defensive posterior, possibly from a forcibly thrown object. Wrongful death. This one is definitely a homicide.

Now, I love my home teams, but when someone throws a stiff whooping on them, I'll be the first to say it not only happened, but deservedly so. No excuse for losing. The Giants beat the Patriots up all game and in the final two minutes, got off the canvas from a gut punch and threw the knockout blow.

Was there one play in particular that was just sheer utter bullshit, no freaking way and all that? Yup. Guess what? When you make that play, that's called kicking ass. The Giants did just that. They're n arrogant, unlikable team of malcontents and I hope America's happy now, because after three months, you won't be. You'll be so sick of them. The'll be celebrating, making videos and rap albums and doing all the talk shows etc.

But, just because they are a bunch of jerks doesn't mean that they didn't just pull of the biggest win in Superbowl history. They did. And they did it, the Patriots didn't give that one away. That, my friends and enemies, was a classic beating. I think the Patriots played a decent game. The Giants were just better. I just threw up in my own mouth.

If you played that game 20 times, the Giants would probably only win three out of twenty. But they only play once. The Giants knew that. They laid everything out and all those other silly cliches.

For one game, they were better. One game was all it took.


FreeOscar said...

It was a fucking good game. For someone who doesn't care about either team this was good football.

AngryMan said...

Eli's gonna do a rap video?

Malach the Merciless said...

Will Sheep be in Eli's video?